Friday, September 21, 2007


so i've made it! 3 planes and 20+ hours of traveling later, and i'm now on the Mediterranean side of life :) ... i arrived the evening of lia's 8th birthday which added even more elements to the already crazy and experience filled event of a first day in greece - but there were banana splits, so everything was worth it :)

the family is doing well - chris (my brother-in-law) is a bit stressed, but that's nothing new there. ado (my sister) is good - and on a six-month late spring cleaning kick which has managed to keep us busy this week. lia (my niece) is not only 8, in third grade, continuing with ballet, backing off on the tai kwon do to start french lessons, fluent in 2 languages, & the coolest sister, but still  absolutely adorable as ever. joji (george - my nephew) is almost 11 months, very happy and just took his first steps 2 days ago and has been doing a great job ever since! :) chris's family is well and the day after lia's birthday was his sister sophia's birthday, so we went over to her house and had a massive and delicious dinner! i got to meet her children, since i haven't seen her or her husband since they were pregnant with their first - 11 years ago at chris and ado's wedding. 

so that's the abbreved update on everyone here and my first week in greece.  the weather has been nice and cool, with rain and thunder and lightening a couple of nights.  i've been drinking lots of coffee and trying to adjust to the jet-lag and having loads of fun playing with my niece and nephew!!!!


Anonymous said...

hehe. you've got your own blog;) curious to hear where the wind takes you. hope you are well.

Laura said...

Hi Corrine,

Cam gave my your blog address; glad to hear you finally made it...enjoy the adventure! Lia looks adorable!


Anonymous said...

Hey Corrine,

So excited to hear that you are doing well and in GREECE!! Wish I was traveling. I've been wondering everyone has been and what they been doing so I'm excited to hear about you and your journey. Keep me updated. Would love to hear how TAing was for Brenneke when you get a chance. Love and miss you!

Kim Daane

Mwiebe said...

I'm so glad to be able to keep up with you again! Buen viaje...